Upcoming Costume Updates!

I haven’t updated in a while; I’m sorry, I’ve been so busy!
Finished my Quidditch uniform – see the site.

Other costume updates…

The artist making my tiara emailed me yesterday to say it was finished – I’m so excited to see it! I also have everything else I need for the costume except fabric paint. I’ve started cutting out the pieces for the white dress…

I bought the orange material the other day because it was on sale, and it was really pretty. Also couldn’t find any pink fabric I liked, so I bought some pretty white material and I’m going to dye it. It’s a kind of material I’ve used lots of times so I know how to dye it, I’m not worried about that.

Have made no headway. I have the materials; haven’t done anything.

Jack Sparrow:
Still waiting to get my hair straightener back from Cath to move forward with the wig. I did get a pattern for parts of it, though.

Got a perfect pattern for $1. Go me.

Anything else that’s planned I haven’t made any other progress on.
My convention schedule is still pretty much the same – I’m still planning on Numa but still am not 100% sure. Planning on Katsu. Am pretty much definitely going to Paris in March so, besides MTAC, I’ve got nothing until SDCC in July. Gotta save money šŸ™‚

Bought some plastic bins the other day and put all my costumes in them – freed up some much needed drawer and closet space.
I’m planning on selling a couple of costumes I’m not that attached to (Myu Jupiter, CCS School Uniform, Milly etc) but I need to take good pics of some of them again first – I’ll post again when I have them listed.